Episode #114- Turning Lessons From 2023 Into Gold in 2024
If you are a service-based entrepreneur who wants to make an impact in the world and change lives -- as well as have your best year yet -- I have some really good news for you about the 2024 climate for heart centered business owners! Tune in to hear my “predictions” for doing biz in 2024 and how you can take advantage of the changing landscape.
In this post pandemic era, you may have noticed that times have shifted. What has worked for you in the past may not have yielded the same outcomes in 2023. But don’t worry, so many business owners had the same experience (myself included!)
Episode #113- How To Have Your Best Year Ever | Holiday Remix
If you are listening in real time, it’s the end of 2023 and I decided to release your favorite episodes from 2023 as our year-end finale! “How To Have Your Best Year Ever” was your most listened-to episode of 2023 and it’s not surprising! In this episode I’m diving into how you can strategically make ANY YEAR your most amazing 12-month cycle so far not just in your business but in every major area of your life (and the importance of how that all ties together). I’m talking about how to harness the special energy that the beginning of a new year brings forth to make empowered choices and decisions about what you want to create and have happen.
Episode #112- Making and Loving Your Offers
Today I’m talking about an essential business activity in a whole new way that I hope will strike the right chord and give you a new way of thinking about sharing your work with the world.. In “Making and Loving Your Offers” I’m revealing the 3 things you need to make offers you are so in love with that your ideal client will also find your passion and excitement simply irresistible. Discover how to move the needle in your Biz by channeling your energy of enthusiasm and love of your offer that makes people trust you, resonate with you and feel like you are the only choice for them to work with! Tune in to understand the alchemy that occurs when you craft an offer of transformation through your own unique lens coupled with a perfect container of details and logistics in order to deliver an exceptional experience for your clients to get the outcomes they want.
Episode #111- The Secret To Setting Boundaries (And What They’re Really For!)
For those of us listening in real time (and in the throes of the Holiday Season), there may be a lot coming up for you around this time of year when it comes to setting limits and creating containers (with your inner circle of loved ones, friendships, social lives, client relationships, colleagues and even YOURSELVES). In “The Secret To Setting Boundaries (And What They’re For!)” Stacey talks to us about the timely topic of managing your experience of life and business by taking control of your time and energy. Although the Holidays are a particularly relevant moment to delve into this thought-provoking subject, no matter when you are hearing this, Stacey fervently believes boundaries are the overall essential to managing your life. Settle in as Stacey tells us the importance these frontiers hold to help us make empowering, proactive choices and create the success you want in every aspect of your P &P Life and Business (because how we do one thing, is how we do everything!)
EPISODE 110: Building An Aligned Business That You Love with Nicole Crone
I am so excited to have a special guest today, my friend – Nicole Crone. Nicole is a co-active coach and trained NLP practitioner. She runs a successful coaching business and hosts a podcast called My Aligned Purpose with her partner Kaila Pilecki that provides coaching and education for female entrepreneurs who desire connection, collaboration, and community. We are so aligned in the work that we do that I simply couldn’t wait to bring Nicole on the show so that we could have a juicy conversation about our shared soulful approach to doing biz in a way that combines a balance of strategy, systems, mindset, spirituality and a healthy dose of fun.
EPISODE 109: Where & How To Ask Questions When You Need Biz Help
If you’re a solopreneur out there on your own, struggling to create clients and feeling the temptation to ask everyone and their mother what to do to get your business going then listen in because this episode is going to be a game changer for you. I am here to tell you that throwing out questions about how to find clients and run your business to a smattering of random people in a Facebook group (even if they are all your peers!) is probably not the BEST idea you ever had. In “Where & How To Ask Questions When You Need Biz Help” we’re taking a look at what happens when you encounter a moment of “not knowing” in your biz (especially not knowing how to attract clients) and what the best course of action is in order to get the most helpful and useful answers to your questions so that you can go out there and take the best action for you in your Passionate & Prosperous business.
EPISODE 108: What To Do When It Feels Like Nothing Is Working Anymore
One thing I know for a fact about business is that the path to success in your meaningful work is not linear. It ebbs and flows, has its ups and downs and behaves like the living, breathing organism that it is --which frankly doesn’t always feel so good! If you are a heart-centered business owner, coach, or teacher struggling with the feeling that the strategies you have used in the past for client attraction are no longer working, that you’re in a bubble all alone or that your business is going under, then listen in to this transformative “reframing” episode right away! I am here to tell you that all is not lost, you are not a failure, and you should most definitely not quit or shut down your business! In “What To Do When It Feels Like Nothing Is Working Anymore” I’m here to help you keep on keeping on when you are faced with a slow down or lull in creating new clients and feel like you are losing momentum in your Biz.
Episode #80- How To Uplevel Your Life & Biz Whenever You Want
What do you need to do to increase your reach, serve more people, and have greater impact? In “How To Uplevel Your Life & Biz Whenever You Want” I am going to walk you through my 6=step EVOLVE coaching system, a process that will give you everything required to shift and align with the energy of abundance, opportunity, and receiving. Get ready to give your brain the green light to GO forth and create what you need for the long-lasting bliss that is your birthright.
Episode #79: You’re Allowed To Change Your Mind
I love brain tools and on this show, I’m sharing the very best in my kit. In “You’re Allowed To Change Your Mind” I’m going to teach you the 3 questions that you get to ask yourself to interrupt any undesirable thought pattern. Have your pen at the ready to jot these down so you can have them close at hand (I literally have them taped to the monitor of my computer!) for when you are having self-doubt, experiencing confusion, and feeling like you’re going backward.
Episode #74: Deconstructing & Reconstructing Your Money Mindset
In ”Deconstructing & Reconstructing Your Money Mindset” I’m talking about money through the lens of beliefs and experiences. Make sure you listen to the end of the show, because I’m giving you my 7 Actionable Steps to Shift Your Mindset, Get in Gear, and Make Money Right Now, a series of exercises (combining a healthy dose of strategy with a scintilla of woo) that will free your mind and allow you to take the actions needed to let the cash flow in.
Episode #71: Will You Ever Feel Ready? Probably Not!
This episode is all about BEING READY! I have talked about this before in different ways on the show but today I am zooming in my lens on one little (but hugely impactful) aspect of this topic.
#69- Making Your Relationship To Time Work For You
Have you ever noticed that you use the past against yourself, replaying your inactivity on a loop, or beating yourself up because you didn’t get a certain outcome? What if I showed you a way to look at the past and see that there is an incredible source of data there that you can use to make empowered choices right now? I’ll also reveal how to plant yourself in the present moment in order to get really intentional about what you can do with your time, energy & focus. And let’s not leave out the future! Learn the mindset method to leap forward in order to make time to do the things you want to do that will help take you to your next level in your Passionate & Prosperous Life and Biz.
#68: Finding Your Authentic Voice
Using my voice is something I’ve been doing since I can remember. When recently I realized how much my relationship to my voice has shifted and changed in my evolution from performer to yoga teacher to coach and the business that I have today, I knew I had to come on the show and talk about the many facets of this all-important instrument. I am also sharing all my very best tools and practical exercises that you can use to expand, tone, and strengthen your own incredible “muscle” (cause that’s what the voice is folks!) right away.
Episode #67- Setting Yourself Up For Inevitable Success
We are still in the beginning of the year mode, and I have been seeing all these “success gurus” out there showing us how to have a great 2023. Today, I am going to help you with my unique version of setting yourself up for inevitable success, not just for the new year, just SUCCESS. Period. How we should roll all the time.
Episode #66- Enrolling Yourself In Other People’s Stories
If you love to geek out about coaching and potential (like our Stacey does!) then this juicy episode that takes us deep into belief and what our fearless leader calls “story work” is for you. In “Enrolling Yourself In Other People’s Stories” Stacey talks about the interesting things that can happen when we take on a belief or a story that was actually created by someone else’s experience. Today, Stacey shares an Illuminating conversation with a client and her own epiphany during this past week to help us see how we are getting enrolled in other people’s stories that aren’t our own. Discover how to be able to distinguish between what is greenlighting you to be the designer of your success and what is holding you back from taking action. Settle in for a cautionary tale about taking on other people’s paralyzing parables, how to make sure you are writing the story that is going to serve you at the highest level, and the way to create a powerful place where you can make your sh*t happen and have your most Passionate & Prosperous Life and Business.
Episode #63- 5 Beliefs To Set Your Brain (And You!) Up For Success
If you are listening in real time, we are hot off the press in January 2023 and still in that fresh, motivating energy of the new year. Today, we are going to continue to ride the wave of that momentum when Stacey delivers another awesome activity for implementing right now at the top of the year (but also anytime!) -- deciding what you want to believe.. In “5 Beliefs To Set Your Brain (And You!) Up For Success“, Stacey reveals the magic that happens when we fill ourselves up with affirmations and thoughts that serve us at the highest level. Tune in to hear the top 5 beliefs that Stacey hopes all of us in the P&P community will input into our brains so that we can have the thoughts and feelings that lead to our most successful, passionate and prosperous lives and businesses in 2023!
Episode #62- How To Have Your Best Year Ever
If you are listening in real-time, we are right at the top of 2023 and Stacey thought it would be really great to make an episode about setting yourself up for success. In “How To Have Your Best Year Ever” Stacey dives into how you can strategically make this your most amazing 12-month cycle so far not just in your business but in every major area of your life (and the importance of how that all ties together). In this episode, Stacey reveals how to harness the special energy that the beginning of a new year brings forth to make empowered choices and decisions about what you would like to create and have happened.
Episode #61- From Zero To Coaching Biz In 8 Months With Jess Diamond
Every once in a while, Stacey has someone to bring on the show that she knows will excite, inspire and make you feel amazing about the journey to your P&P Life and Business. In “From Zero To Coaching Biz In 8 Months With Jess Diamond” Stacey dives into an awesome heart-to-heart with her special guest (and client) Jess Diamond, a certified life and nutrition coach whose niche is teaching young professionals how to “adult.” Stacey and Jess take us on a behind-the-scenes look at their coaching partnership and how Jess’s Biz was born, nurtured, and grew at warp speed. Listen in to a candid conversation between a master coach and motivated mentee and experience the path of Jess’s progression as she created her Yellow Brick Road and followed in the footstep of her mentor. In this episode, witness the power of a coaching collaboration built on total trust and how far, how fast it can take you where you want to go. Stacey and Jess discuss the thing that moved the needle for Jess the first time, the actions she took that helped her feel more confident and resilient, and the point where Jess is today, firmly rooted in her mission and passion with a roster of clients who have invested with her. Tune in to discover the defining factors that allowed Jess to push through the difficulty, fear and resistance and get into the immediate massive action it took to reach the money milestone and other goals she set for herself in record time.
Episode #60- The Secret To Setting Boundaries (And What They’re Really For!)
For those of us listening in real time (and in the throes of the Holiday Season), there may be a lot coming up for you around this time of year when it comes to setting limits and creating containers (with your inner circle of loved ones, friendships, social lives, client relationships, colleagues and even YOURSELVES). In “The Secret To Setting Boundaries (And What They’re For!)” Stacey talks to us about the timely topic of managing your experience of life and business by taking control of your time and energy. Although the Holidays are a particularly relevant moment to delve into this thought-provoking subject, no matter when you are hearing this, Stacey fervently believes boundaries are the overall essential to managing your life. Settle in as Stacey tells us the importance these frontiers hold to help us make empowering, proactive choices and create the success you want in every aspect of your P &P Life and Business (because how we do one thing, is how we do everything!)
Episode #59- How To Get What You Want (And What It Takes)
Stacey has been noticing a trend among those of us who are building, growing or scaling our service-based businesses. She talks to a lot of entrepreneurs and when it comes to creating the life and business that you truly desire she hears a lot about what you don’t want, what you don’t like doing, what you can’t do and what you’re worried about. In “How To Get What You Want (And What It Takes)” Stacey is going to show us how to shift our focus from all of our objections and things we don’t like to what we WOULD like to do in order to get to our ultimate destinations. On the show, Stacey helps us get really CLEAR on our deepest desires as she shares the 5 STEPS you have to be able to take yourself through in order to obtain the OUTCOMES you wish to achieve. Tune in as Stacey shows us how to reattach the disconnected wires that are short-circuiting our brain with a series of POWERFUL questions that will give you the green light to FIRE UP, get into ACTION and have the P&P Life and Biz that makes you feel AWESOME and EXCITED (and not want to throw it all away, give up and not be happy!
Free Up Your Authentic Voice
This powerful episode is all about getting clear and tapping into your authentic voice. After listening to the show, it’s time for you to put some of my very best tried and true practical exercises that I talk about into action. Prepare for my 5 simple, effective (and FUN!) ways to free up your voice, open any blockages and be able to speak (and write!) your truth with fluidity and ease.