Episode #63- 5 Beliefs To Set Your Brain (And You!) Up For Success
If you are listening in real time, we are hot off the press in January 2023 and still in that fresh, motivating energy of the new year. Today, we are going to continue to ride the wave of that momentum when Stacey delivers another awesome activity for implementing right now at the top of the year (but also anytime!) -- deciding what you want to believe.. In “5 Beliefs To Set Your Brain (And You!) Up For Success“, Stacey reveals the magic that happens when we fill ourselves up with affirmations and thoughts that serve us at the highest level. Tune in to hear the top 5 beliefs that Stacey hopes all of us in the P&P community will input into our brains so that we can have the thoughts and feelings that lead to our most successful, passionate and prosperous lives and businesses in 2023!
Episode #62- How To Have Your Best Year Ever
If you are listening in real-time, we are right at the top of 2023 and Stacey thought it would be really great to make an episode about setting yourself up for success. In “How To Have Your Best Year Ever” Stacey dives into how you can strategically make this your most amazing 12-month cycle so far not just in your business but in every major area of your life (and the importance of how that all ties together). In this episode, Stacey reveals how to harness the special energy that the beginning of a new year brings forth to make empowered choices and decisions about what you would like to create and have happened.
Episode #61- From Zero To Coaching Biz In 8 Months With Jess Diamond
Every once in a while, Stacey has someone to bring on the show that she knows will excite, inspire and make you feel amazing about the journey to your P&P Life and Business. In “From Zero To Coaching Biz In 8 Months With Jess Diamond” Stacey dives into an awesome heart-to-heart with her special guest (and client) Jess Diamond, a certified life and nutrition coach whose niche is teaching young professionals how to “adult.” Stacey and Jess take us on a behind-the-scenes look at their coaching partnership and how Jess’s Biz was born, nurtured, and grew at warp speed. Listen in to a candid conversation between a master coach and motivated mentee and experience the path of Jess’s progression as she created her Yellow Brick Road and followed in the footstep of her mentor. In this episode, witness the power of a coaching collaboration built on total trust and how far, how fast it can take you where you want to go. Stacey and Jess discuss the thing that moved the needle for Jess the first time, the actions she took that helped her feel more confident and resilient, and the point where Jess is today, firmly rooted in her mission and passion with a roster of clients who have invested with her. Tune in to discover the defining factors that allowed Jess to push through the difficulty, fear and resistance and get into the immediate massive action it took to reach the money milestone and other goals she set for herself in record time.
Episode #60- The Secret To Setting Boundaries (And What They’re Really For!)
For those of us listening in real time (and in the throes of the Holiday Season), there may be a lot coming up for you around this time of year when it comes to setting limits and creating containers (with your inner circle of loved ones, friendships, social lives, client relationships, colleagues and even YOURSELVES). In “The Secret To Setting Boundaries (And What They’re For!)” Stacey talks to us about the timely topic of managing your experience of life and business by taking control of your time and energy. Although the Holidays are a particularly relevant moment to delve into this thought-provoking subject, no matter when you are hearing this, Stacey fervently believes boundaries are the overall essential to managing your life. Settle in as Stacey tells us the importance these frontiers hold to help us make empowering, proactive choices and create the success you want in every aspect of your P &P Life and Business (because how we do one thing, is how we do everything!)
Episode #59- How To Get What You Want (And What It Takes)
Stacey has been noticing a trend among those of us who are building, growing or scaling our service-based businesses. She talks to a lot of entrepreneurs and when it comes to creating the life and business that you truly desire she hears a lot about what you don’t want, what you don’t like doing, what you can’t do and what you’re worried about. In “How To Get What You Want (And What It Takes)” Stacey is going to show us how to shift our focus from all of our objections and things we don’t like to what we WOULD like to do in order to get to our ultimate destinations. On the show, Stacey helps us get really CLEAR on our deepest desires as she shares the 5 STEPS you have to be able to take yourself through in order to obtain the OUTCOMES you wish to achieve. Tune in as Stacey shows us how to reattach the disconnected wires that are short-circuiting our brain with a series of POWERFUL questions that will give you the green light to FIRE UP, get into ACTION and have the P&P Life and Biz that makes you feel AWESOME and EXCITED (and not want to throw it all away, give up and not be happy!
Episode #58- Integration, Celebration & The Power Of Takeaways
Today’s episode was recorded just a few days after the very first P&P event happened LIVE (and virtually) in NYC. In “Integration, Celebration & The Power Of Takeaways” Stacey reveals her 10 biggest takeaways from putting on this massive event while still fresh in the experience and the afterglow. Stacey is here to assist and inspire us by telling us why AHAs are so important, how they impact us AND the way they help us seal in, declare, acknowledge, and fully absorb an experience that is going to guide us to our NEXT level. Settle into your ringside seat at Stacey’s post-mortem table for an insider’s look at her reflections on this needle-moving 2-day event so that you too can discover the way to integrate and implement in order to GROW, continue doing BIGGER things and keep on KEEPING ON in your P&P Life and Biz.
With her signature down-to-earth approach, Stacey gives us the REAL DEAL on how this big event and the takeaways she experienced from doing it had a triple (make that quadruple!) effect in her BELIEF in herself that allowed her to IMMEDIATELY up-level. Tune in for the tools on how to use takeaways in your own Biz as confirmations and affirmations so that you also can SHOW UP, do the MINDSET work, EXECUTE, and experience TRANSFORMATION.
Episode #57- Creating & Marketing ANY Successful Event
Today Stacey takes us on a little behind-the-scenes tour of her business. By the time you are hearing this, P&P’s first LIVE (and virtual) 2-day business building and inspirational community event in NYC (that many of the amazing people who listen to this show attended) will have just taken place. In “Creating & Marketing ANY Successful Event” Stacey gives us ALL the details needed to produce an exceptional experience so that YOU have the tools to plan an event of your own at whatever level you are at. Settle in as Stacey tells us WHAT IT TAKES in a no-holds-barred, step-by-step backstage look of everything that had to HAPPEN in order to put on Passionate & Prosperous LIVE and how you too can create an event that will yield SUCCESS in your P&P Biz!
Episode #56- What You Should Offer For Free (And Why!)
If you have been following Stacey for a while, you know that her entire brand is based on VALUE, FREE CONTENT and building KNOW, LOVE, and TRUST with your audience. Today Stacey takes us right to the core of the organic business strategy that she teaches by talking to us about what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to attracting clients onto your Yellow Brick Road. In “What You Should Offer For Free (And Why!)” she shows us how to figure out what you should offer in that free early period to get people to take the FIRST STEP onto your Yellow Brick Road and HOW you can then move them along that golden brick path to OZ (your paid offer!) Tune in as Stacey hands us the KEYS to the Emerald City by revealing the ways we can nurture, be in service, and build relationships that will make our people feel like what they want is ACHIEVABLE so that they will EMBARK on the journey towards investing with YOU.
Episode #55- Show Me Your Chakras (And I’ll Show You Mine!)
Stacey has a really light, FUN (and helpful!) episode for us today. In “Show Me Your Chakras (And I’ll Show You Mine!)” she talks to us about what it really means to be in an ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT with your life and business, a fascinating subject that we hear so much about (but might not fully comprehend). Today, Stacey gives us a compelling way to understand this internal topic by examining it through the Ayurvedic lens of the Chakra system. Pack up your inner space gear because Stacey is taking us on an odyssey through the subtle body with a tool-filled pitstop at each of these 7 energy centers. Our fearless inner cosmonaut leader reveals the METHOD to be conscious of the spark in each of these hubs, the WAY it helps you BE intentional and specific about whatever you want to create, all that you MUST strengthen (and what you might NEED to unblock!) And how each one IMPACTS your P&P Biz. Tune in for a remarkable physical and energetic journey that will leave your chakras feeling so nourished, vibrant, and connected to your higher self (and everyone!) that you are going to want to GO out there, GIVE service, OFFER value and GET your people on your Yellow Brick Road where they will ultimately invest with YOU (the very model Stacey teaches!)
Episode #54- Identity And Believing In Your True Self
Today, Stacey gives us another little piece of her heart in her most vulnerable, intimate, soul-baring episode yet. With her signature brutal honesty, Stacey shares some very DEEP stuff about her personal journey and why she has just recovered from what she calls an EMOTIONAL HANGOVER (of the best kind!)
Episode #53- How To Talk About What You Do (And Nail It!)
Today, Stacey, the human who put the PASSION in PASSIONATE & PROSPEROUS, speaks fervently to us about a topic that sets her podcast host’s heart on fire. The searing subject is talking about what you do and WHY (even though you have let her know that you don’t like to) you MUST talk. . . A LOT! Stacey hears all the time from her clients and listeners of P&P who are in the Biz of TRANSFORMATION, that it’s not easy to describe the experience of what you provide. Hold on to your headphones because (shocker alert!) Stacey tells us, you don’t have to depict it, in fact you should NOT (yes, you can exhale now!) In “How To Talk About What You Do (And Nail It!)” Stacey illuminates WHEN to talk about what you do, WHAT you should talk about, HOW you ought to be talking about it, and the WAY to get good at it. Stacey shares the #1 thing you need to DO out in the world to BE someone who survives being asked “what do you do?” Tune in and discover the VISION you NEED to uphold of yourself AND how to BELIEVE in your conviction 1,000 percent so that YOU can talk (A LOT!) about your P&P Life and Biz and organically ATTRACT your ideal audience onto YOUR Yellow Brick Road.
Episode #52- Setting Yourself Up For Success
Today Stacey delves deep into the tricky terrain of EXPECTATIONS - especially meeting the ones we place on ourselves. In “Setting Yourself Up For Success” Stacey gets REAL about HOW to manage our expectations and what we think is supposed to be happening (or want to be happening) at any given time in our lives and businesses.
Episode #51- The Real Deal On Client Results
Having a service-based business is not for the faint of heart! There is so much that goes into it especially when the passionate work you do involves powerfully wanting to help your dream clients to get the outcomes that they desire. In “The Real Deal On Client Results” Stacey swings the door wide open on a complicated and complex topic that she knows can be a real source of angst for all of you heart-centered servers in the P&P community when your soul-driven calling involves assisting another person to experience transformation in some area of their life.
Episode #50- Do You Have A Visibility Problem?
Stacey brings all her fiery passion and strategic expertise to today’s very important topic -- VISIBILITY. With her signature candor, Stacey gets REAL and calls it like it is when she tells you if you’re having a hard time getting to your next level, you have a visibility problem. In “Do You Have A Visibility Problem?” Stacey reveals that visibility is the ONLY way for you to attract clients and make money in your P&P Business. Filled with fervor and facility about this critical content, Stacey conveys the method to creatively make ourselves visible as consistently and frequently as possible. On this show, Stacey reveals the WAYS to go bigger, WHAT you need to be offering and HOW to increase your audience in order to expand your visibility and impact. Listen in and learn to mine your personal GOLD as Stacey teaches us strategies and gives us an incredible 3 step experiential exercise (which you can implement IMMEDIATELY) in order to FEEL confidence, FIND your voice, and OVERCOME any obstacles or fears that may be standing in your way. In our 50th episode, Stacey gives you ALL the tools you NEED to put yourself OUT THERE every single day in order to do your meaningful work and have your dream clients INVEST with YOU (the vision she holds for us ALL in our Passionate & Prosperous Life and Biz!)
Episode #49- Your Future Self is Calling!
Today Stacey takes us on a deep dive into the always important mindset work that we all need to do in order to have our most Passionate & Prosperous lives and businesses! In “Your Future Self Is Calling!”, she reveals how you can create massive results and achieve big things by partnering with the perfect human for the job, none other than your very own future self! Lend an ear because Stacey is giving us an AMAZING method to achieve what we deep down desire but may not be experiencing YET. In this show, Stacey discloses the way to bridge the gap between who you are now and who you need to BE in order to have that thing that you would like (but don’t have YET).
In episode 49 Stacey teaches us 3 steps that we can start implementing right away to ensure that our future self is available and accessible and how you can merge with that version of YOU at a moment’s notice!
Episode #48- How To Handle Objections Like A Pro
Put down your gavels and let’s prepare to ALL RISE against our fears because today Stacey is talking to us about OBJECTIONS like we have never thought about them before. If you are a coach or someone who does a Discovery (or Consultation) Call in your Biz, she knows you are familiar with this HUGE (and for many of us terrifying) topics. In “How To Handle Objections Like A Pro” Stacey offers us her unique and empowering point of view about this much-dreaded term that will help us cultivate an entirely different relationship with this concept (and the whole idea that people may have objections to working with you!) In this episode, Stacey helps us discover not only how to handle objections (if that is something you are concerned about) but also a method for us to understand the psychology of objections and what might be going on in someone else’s brain when they are using certain phrases that we don’t want to hear (#1 on the list being “I can’t afford it”).
Episode #47- How To Run A Challenge That Gets Results
If you have been following the podcast for a while, you know Stacey is always asking for our requests. She is so excited because someone from the P&P community reached out and asked if Stacey could teach about offering Challenges which she thought was a GREAT topic! In “How To Run A Challenge That Gets Results”, Stacey hopes to help you get out of overwhelm and confused around this particular type of offering and why you may or may not decide to try it out! Stacey dives deep into EVERYTHING we must consider in order to understand how Challenges work, who wants to do them, how you can make them more appealing for people, AND why it might be RIGHT for YOU. Tune in to discover how to create an engaging experience that provides a fantastic outcome for both you AND your participants and makes them want to keep on moving along your Yellow Brick Road and working with you in your P&P Biz!
Episode #46 - The Truth About Unsubscribes & Unfollows
Today Stacey talks to us about the UN’s (as in UN-subscribes and UN-follows) and how our relationship with these biz realities affects us as heart-centered humans and P&P business owners. In this episode, Stacey lays out what happens when we are living in total terror of people unsubscribing from our email list or unfollowing us on social media. Stacey realizes we DON’T LIKE MARKETING (yup, she KNOWS us!) She also understands that without it, we will NOT have a business. Marketing is HOW we build our authority, and connect with and attract our ideal clients. On this show, Stacey gives us the tools and strategies to help us reframe and overcome those fears and beliefs that keep us from putting ourselves out there, creating clients, and making money in our meaningful work. Tune in as Stacey shows us HOW to come out of hiding, take back our POWER and start believing that what we are offering is of great VALUE so we can wake up EVERY day and take empowered action in order to have the outcomes we DESIRE in our P&P Life and Biz.
Episode #45 - What Is Self-Care Anyway?
Stacey is super excited about today’s topic – self-care -- a big umbrella phrase that is out there in the world of wellness (and can mean so many things!) In episode 45 “What Is Self-Care, Anyway?” Stacey takes a deep dive into what self-care really is and if we are doing ourselves (or our clients) any favors by positioning self-care as something that is the opposite of working hard or running your life and business. Tune in as Stacey helps us embrace the idea that TRUE self-care is about knowing exactly how to nurture yourself in a way that supports you being able to be who you want to BE, so you can do what you want to DO and have what you want to HAVE, even if what you want to DO is work hard in order to get the outcomes you want in your Passionate & Prosperous Life and Biz.
Episode #44 - Your Fear Of Seeming “Sales-y” Is Killing Your Biz
Stacey is back with more money talk! In Episode 44, she returns with a new take on one of the most requested topics by the Passionate & Prosperous community and a defining element of having a P&P business - Making Money. In this episode, Stacey reveals how she shifted her own “starving artist mentality” and “scarcity mindset” to the empowered belief that she has a valuable service to sell (and that there are plenty of clients out there ready to invest!) Tune in as Stacey addresses what she knows is the #1 thing that our scarcity mindsets lead to when we want to make money in our businesses - the fear of seeming “sales-y”! In this episode Stacey teaches us what beliefs we need to undo and replace so that we are free to SELL our gifts, skills and talents (in a way that we love and that feels good to us) to make money in our Passionate & Prosperous Biz!
Free Up Your Authentic Voice
This powerful episode is all about getting clear and tapping into your authentic voice. After listening to the show, it’s time for you to put some of my very best tried and true practical exercises that I talk about into action. Prepare for my 5 simple, effective (and FUN!) ways to free up your voice, open any blockages and be able to speak (and write!) your truth with fluidity and ease.