Episode #44 - Your Fear Of Seeming “Sales-y” Is Killing Your Biz
Stacey is back with more money talk! In Episode 44, she returns with a new take on one of the most requested topics by the Passionate & Prosperous community and a defining element of having a P&P business - Making Money. In this episode, Stacey reveals how she shifted her own “starving artist mentality” and “scarcity mindset” to the empowered belief that she has a valuable service to sell (and that there are plenty of clients out there ready to invest!) Tune in as Stacey addresses what she knows is the #1 thing that our scarcity mindsets lead to when we want to make money in our businesses - the fear of seeming “sales-y”! In this episode Stacey teaches us what beliefs we need to undo and replace so that we are free to SELL our gifts, skills and talents (in a way that we love and that feels good to us) to make money in our Passionate & Prosperous Biz!
Episode #42 - Evergreens, Done-For-You’s & Funnels, Oh My!
Stacey loves to teach us in a really clear way that doesn’t overwhelm or confuse us. In this episode she tackles a topic that people in business and entrepreneurship are deeply curious about yet also find extremely confusing – offering a service that you do not have to deliver live a.k.a. Evergreens or Done-for-You’s. Settle in as Stacey gives us the REAL DEAL about what everyone mythologizes as Passive Income.
Stacey witnesses a lot of us (especially coaches) who see other people offering these automated courses, believe it’s easier than it is, and then think that we should start doing it too. Stacey doesn’t want to tell us not to do something without us being able to understand what it entails so that we can make that decision for ourselves. In Episode 42, Stacey shares all of her Evergreen expertise so that we can have an educated, informed understanding of what Passive Income (and especially the funnels that accompany it) is. Tune in as Stacey explains exactly what organic live funneling is and then walks us through EVERY step of a Done-for-You course so that we can come away empowered with the knowledge to make the decision that feels most aligned for us in our P&P Life and Business.
Episode #41 - How To Keep “Comparison-itis” From Taking You Down
Lately Stacey’s been noticing just how tortured people are about what they think they SHOULD be doing and what other people ARE doing (especially as seen on social media!) That inspired her to create the show she thinks we really NEED about a very interesting phenomenon she calls “Compare and Despair” (a little thing she totally gets because she’s experienced it!) In Episode 41, Stacey delves deep into our mindset to help us better manage our thoughts, operating system, energy, and how we are showing up. Tune in as Stacey shares the 5 beliefs that she inputs into her brain to get out of “Compare and Despair” so that she can help us stay out of it too and be more successful in our P&P Life and Biz.
Episode #37 - How To Decide What You Charge (And When To Give Yourself A Raise!)
Stacey loves to create episodes based on your requests and today she delivers with a topic that is on the “Most Wanted List” for a LOT for her P&P People. Stacey is bringing the FUN to talking MONEY, Honey (and the mindset that MUST goes along with it!) In this episode, Stacey is going to reveal her unique system for HOW to price your services (and NO, she is not going to tell you how much to charge!) Stacey is going to help us look at the different components that go into deciding your pricing so you can leave the episode IMMEDIATELY knowing exactly what work you GET to do (in your business or brain) and most importantly what action you WANT to take. Stacey’s intention is to share some factors about your funds to sort out, think about and give you guidelines that you will find useful when it comes to the bread-and-butter of your Biz. Settle in because Stacey is going to teach you the money mindset and strategy that you need to grow and scale your Passionate & Prosperous Business.
Episode #36 - Showing Up For Your Biz Like You’ve Got A Hot Date
A really FUN idea for an episode suddenly popped into Stacey’s head. On today’s show she brings us all the flirty enjoyment of WHY you should think about your business like . . . dating! At her recent LIVE events, Stacey noticed a certain heavy energy from her P&P community when the subject turned to putting yourself out there for your Biz. To turn that around for her peeps, a seemingly unlikely connection dawned on her. ALL the energy and behavior you need for your business is the SAME that you would use for dating. On today’s episode, Stacey is going to break it down and give us a brand-new perspective to help us feel more RELAXED in our relationships with our soul-aligned clients. Stacey gives us some concrete points to think about that she believes we are going to find really entertaining and that will SHIFT something for us IMMEDATELY (perhaps even during the show!) When you are out there looking for a partner in life, there is a certain energy you bring as well as particular things that you know and would expect. Tune in as Stacey tells us exactly how that aligns with showing up in all your frisky originality to your P&P business.
Episode #35 - Why You Always Need A Life & Biz Strategy (And How To Create Yours Now)
Stacey just sat down with pen and paper to do something she does on the regular, Roadmapping for her life and business. She got inspired to bring this VERY important practice to the Passionate & Prosperous community because Stacey wants to share ALL the things that she believes make her successful so that she can help YOU create the outcomes you want! In this episode, Stacey is going to tell us exactly what Roadmapping is and how she does it. If you are listening in real time, it is June and Stacey is planning for events all the way through January! While her Roadmap is different from yours, Stacey fervently feels that you need to be doing this too. Tune in and find out WHY you should join Stacey in the exercise of mapping out how you are going to get to your desired destinations to have the P&P Life and Biz you want for yourself (and your loved ones!).
Episode #34 - Mastering The Art Of Skillful, Powerful Conversations (And Why You Need To!)
Stacey has a saying about Discovery Calls: “you can’t live with ‘em, you can’t live without ‘em.” In this episode she dives in deep and reveals why our relationship status with these consultation calls is “complicated.” Stacey knows what we struggle with. There is a LOT of conversing to be done in our meaningful work that can bring up many of our own feelings of scarcity and lack. Stacey is here to teach us how to move past these obstacles so we can craft the conversations that convert. Tune in as she reveals the skills required to become an expert at these crucial calls, one of the most important elements to master in your P&P Life and Biz.
Episode #31 - Let's Do LAUNCH!
Tune in as Stacey talks to us about a very juicy topic, what launching your business really means. You might be very familiar with hearing the word LAUNCH (because it’s everywhere!) but it can also be a source of confusion for anybody who is starting their meaningful work or even growing and building. Stacey thought it would be helpful to break it all down and talk about this trending term and how it pertains to YOU and your Passionate & Prosperous Biz.
Episode #28 - Making Investments & Getting Results
In this episode Stacey talks to us about the question that comes up in our logical brain when we are making any kind of investment in our business, “What do I think the return on my investment is going to be?” Stacey tells us how one little post she saw in a Facebook Group about return on investment (your ROI as you may have heard it referred to as) got her wheels turning and grew into a meaningful episode about a very important kind of perspective a soul driven entrepreneur needs in their Passionate & Prosperous Biz.
Episode #27 -Being Different, Using Your Gifts & Making Money (with special guest Jessica Hans-Smolin)
In this episode, Stacey is so excited to bring you a special guest (and one of her favorite people in the world!) her friend and client. . . the magical, weird, wild, and wonderful Jessica Hans-Smolin. You are going to LOVE hearing the story of what Stacey and Jess created together and how they have built a coaching collaboration and partnership that has helped Jess build a wildly unique and vigorously robust Passionate & Prosperous Biz and Life.
Episode #26 - Knowing Your Niche Will Set You Free
In this episode, Stacey shows us the unique way in which she teaches niche. Join the multitude of people who have taken her training in finally being able to say that you KNOW YOUR NICHE even if you have tried to work on it with other business coaches or struggled to figure it out on your own for years. Stacey’s signature method of teaching and talking about niche has helped so many people and today when she shares it with us on the P&P podcast, it's going to help you too!
Episode #25 - The #1 Mindset Shift That Will Change Everything
Becoming a master at monitoring your human brain (a.k.a. not being sabotaged by it) so that you can help other people is a vital part of showing up in your Passionate and Prosperous Biz. Knowing that for you to do your business, make money, have clients, have opportunities that you must ask for, make invitations (do all these things that are slightly uncomfortable) and SURVIVE, you must know how to manage your own thoughts. Otherwise, you are going to make yourself crazy!
Episode #23 - How To Flow With The Seasons in Biz & Life
There are certain cycles and rhythms that we take for granted - what goes up must come down, the tide ebbs and flows, what expands must contract and the seasons will change! So why are we so surprised when our lives and businesses work the same way? In this episode Stacey takes you on a journey into the different energies of the SEASONS and how to use this knowledge to your advantage! Learn how to observe your biz and notice the rhythms, get into energetic alignment and TAKE ACTION in your Passionate and Prosperous life and business all year round.
Episode #22 - The Fear of Giving Away Too Much
Stacey addresses one of the most common fears that she hears from coaches, creatives and service-driven entrepreneurs - the fear of giving away too much. Whether offering free value to attract and serve your potential clients or working with your paying clients, focusing on what NOT to give is never a good strategy! In this episode you'll learn how your valuable free content and offering what Stacey calls "an exceptional experience" is actually a business model for growing and scaling your Passionate and Prosperous business while creating raving fans, repeat clients and a steady stream of referrals.
Episode #20 - It’s Just a Phase!
Stacey alleviates ALL anxieties around business by breaking a Biz down into 4 easy phases. The truth is: anything you’re experiencing on your business journey is part of a unique phase, you aren’t the first to experience it and you won’t be the last! Learn which phase of business you’re in to watch out for the common pitfalls while setting yourself up for success! Master your current phase to LEVEL UP your life and business and graduate to the next phase in the process!
Episode #19 - Let’s Talk Money, Honey!
Making money, spending money, asking for money… it’s all part of building your Passionate and Prosperous life and business. And yet, so many coaches, creatives and entrepreneurs think making money is hard and feel guilty for wanting more of it. In this episode Stacey is talking all things MONEY MINDSET - how it impacts our decision making, the ways we superimpose it onto others and how to up-level yours so that you can believe in your potential to make money and feel awesome doing it!
Episode #18 -Turning Your Relationship With Marketing & Sales Into A Love Story
If you want to make money in your PASSIONATE and PROSPEROUS business, you need to market yourself! In this episode Stacey tackles why marketing and self-promotion can feel SO HARD. Learn what the #1 FEAR is that gets in the way of LOVING marketing and sales, where the fear is rooted in your belief system, and how you can UPGRADE your mindset so that you can TAKE ACTION and confidently put yourself out there (and love it while you’re doing it)!
Episode #17 - How To Create a PASSIONATE OFFER That People Want
Your Passionate Offer is the MOST ESSENTIAL part of your business. Stacey reveals how to create an irresistible Passionate Offer that makes clients say YES! Learn how to SCALE your offer over time to create clients at any stage of your business. Avoid the common mistakes that service-based individuals make by managing your money mindset. Use your Passionate Offer to create your Yellow Brick Road and take your clients to OZ!
Episode #16 - How to THRIVE as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur with Jocelyn Rose Settle
Jocelyn Rose Settle is a wellness and yoga teacher, opera singer, managing director of a global brand, and an Out of Overwhelm graduate. As multi-passionate individuals, we sometimes become paralyzed and unsure about which of our many talents to use to make money. Jocelyn reveals how she was able to use Stacey’s OUT OF OVERWHELM AND INTO ACTION™ program to combine her many passions into the business of her dreams!
Episode #15 - The Show Must Go On
Showing up is the name of the game when it comes to having and growing your PASSIONATE and PROSPEROUS life and business. In this episode Stacey dishes out all things showing up, including how to recognize the key moments when you NEED to show up, when (and when not) to push through, and how to recognize the difference. The truth is, we come up against inner and outer roadblocks to showing up all the time! This episode will inspire you to conquer ANY HESITATION and take your Passionate and Prosperous life and business to the NEXT LEVEL!
Free Up Your Authentic Voice
This powerful episode is all about getting clear and tapping into your authentic voice. After listening to the show, it’s time for you to put some of my very best tried and true practical exercises that I talk about into action. Prepare for my 5 simple, effective (and FUN!) ways to free up your voice, open any blockages and be able to speak (and write!) your truth with fluidity and ease.