EPISODE 130: What is Authentic Marketing and… I’m In Forbes!


Imagine getting on a call with a Forbes journalist about a possible feature for you and your business... and then immediately thinking, "Who am I to be featured in Forbes? Am I really qualified?"

That's exactly what happened to me a few months ago - and spoiler alert: I was featured in Forbes!

Once I got over my bout with imposter syndrome and remembered how I have built my own passionate and prosperous business, I took this as an incredible opportunity to spread my message about the power of authentic, heart-centered marketing - especially in light of the major shifts happening in the online coaching and service-based industries.

In this week's episode, "What is Authentic Marketing and… I’m In Forbes!" I'm taking you behind the scenes of my Forbes feature and the insights and strategies I shared about the changing landscape of online business and the necessary shift to authentic, heart-centered marketing.

We're exploring how buyer behavior and expectations have evolved, why the old ways of aggressive marketing and impersonal selling are no longer effective, and what it really means to show up authentically in your business, attract your true ideal clients, and create a marketing approach that feels aligned with your values and the impact you want to make.

I'm also getting vulnerable about the mindset work I had to do to own my expertise and show up fully in this new era of business - even when doubts and fears came up along the way.

If you've been struggling to market your business in a way that feels true to you - and actually attracts your dream clients - this episode is a must-listen. By the end, you'll have a fresh perspective on authentic marketing and tangible strategies you can start implementing right away.

Here's a sneak peek at the juicy insights we're covering:

✨ The major shifts happening in the online coaching and service-based industries

✨ Why infusing your marketing with generosity, service, and your unique story is key to attracting ideal clients

✨ Identifying and deeply serving your ideal clients (instead of trying to appeal to everyone)

✨ Overcoming visibility fears and showing up confidently as the expert you are

✨ Infusing your marketing with generosity, service, and your unique "why"

✨ Strategies for collaborating with aligned peers to expand your reach and impact

✨ The power of focusing on transformation, not just information, in your offers and marketing

✨ My top tips for authentic, organic marketing that feels good and creates real results

If you're ready to thrive in this new era of online business and attract your dream clients with authentic, aligned marketing, pop in those earbuds and dive into this episode. Your business (and soul) will thank you!


EPISODE 131: Why You Need To Be Willing To Move Forward (Or You Never Will!)


EPISODE 129: The Pricing Paradox: How to Decide What to Charge and Why