EPISODE 132: How To Know When Your Inner Operating System Needs An Upgrade


If you're feeling stuck, frustrated, or like you're constantly coming up against brick walls in your life and business, there's a good chance your inner operating system needs an upgrade.

What exactly does that mean? Your operating system is the invisible foundation that influences everything in your world - we're talking your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. And when that system is outdated, overloaded, or no longer serving you... it can make you think that you have nothing valuable to offer, nobody wants your services, that you can’t make money or find any clients, 

In this week's episode, ”How To Know When Your Inner Operating System Needs An Upgrade” I'm diving deep into what it really means to upgrade your inner operating system and why it's the secret to fixing that feeling of barely hangin’ on (it happens to everyone!)

Tune in for a deep dive into the neuroscience and mindset work that will explain how your belief system governs the way you think and process everything around you. I’m teaching all my SBR best practices and tactical tools to help you experience clarity, develop deep inner knowing, trust that you have choices and solutions for your struggles, and start believing without a doubt that you are a worthy, successful, resourceful entrepreneur in full power of creating the life you desire (and deserve!)

Because here's the thing: you can have all the business strategies in the world, but if your operating system isn't in alignment, you'll constantly feel like you're spinning your wheels without making real progress.

What You Will Discover in This Episode:

✨ How to recognize when your nervous system is stuck in 'fight or flight' mode (and what to do about it)

✨ The crucial difference between your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

✨ Why your belief systems about yourself, others, and the world create your reality

✨ How to identify and upgrade outdated beliefs that are keeping you stuck

✨ The importance of cultivating a success mindset rooted in possibility and abundance

✨ Why self-belief and confidence are the foundations of a thriving business

✨ Practices for embodying your next-level self and operating system now

✨ How to support your clients and students in upgrading their own belief systems

✨ The role of a higher power, universal laws, and manifestation in your success

✨ And so much more!

So, if you want to live purposefully, intentionally and loving what you do, pop in those earbuds and let’s go! It’s time to build the resilience, courage, and strength needed to stay the course, take powerful action, and make money doing what you love. 

Because when you manage your mindset, the possibilities and choices are limitless!


EPISODE 133: How To Truly Convey The Value Of Your Offer


EPISODE 131: Why You Need To Be Willing To Move Forward (Or You Never Will!)