A Mini-Course for Coaches and Experts Who Want to Build A 6-Figure Business Simply And Without Spending A Penny On Ads

Are you…

Still scratching your head over what ‘Signature ‘ or 'High-Ticket' offer actually means for your biz?

Fed up with feeling like you're just trading hours for dollars?

Dreading your conversations and those 'money talks'?

Ready to stop questioning everything about your business model and wondering if you have to pay for ads, fancy automations or have a huge social media following to grow a 6-figure (or multi-6 figure) biz?

If you answered YES to any of these
questions then you’re in the right place!

Isn’t it time to shout from the rooftops what makes you the go-to expert, without sounding like everyone else?

Hey there, I'm Stacey Brass-Russell and I give coaches and experts the clarity and structure they need to attract incredible clients, sell with soul, build communities and create amazing transformational offers so they can make money doing what they love while impacting lives.

I get it - you're passionate about what you do and have a mission and message to get out into the world. If the business side of things is feeling murky—let's clarify and get you on track to where you want to be!

When you dive into this juicy mini-course you will:

Define what 'High Ticket' means for you and your unique business

Define what 'Signature' means for you and your unique business.

Package your knowledge into an offer that excites both you and your clients.

Set yourself apart from other people who do what you do by tapping into your unique zone of genius.

Feel confident in your pricing, knowing it reflects the true value of your work.

Approach discovery calls with a new sense of ease and effectiveness.

Approach discovery calls with a new sense of ease and effectiveness.

©2024 Stacey Brass-Russell