An on-demand 5 part training that is guaranteed to bust through all of your NICHE struggles, fears, and beliefs so that you can move forward and do what you are meant to do – work with your soul-aligned clients, transforming lives, and making a living doing what you love!
How ridiculously amazing would it be to…
Feel like a total rockstar when responding to the question “So, what exactly do you do?”
Make offers and invitations to work with you without feeling an ounce of ickiness or worry that you’re being too “sales-y”?
Create compelling content that speaks directly to and gets the attention of the kind of clients that need your services
… and are willing to invest in themselves?
Well, you can!
But let’s talk about this whole Niche thing for a sec…
I know, I know.
Niche talk can be kinda boring.
You may even feel like you don’t want or need a niche because you’re so multi-passionate and can help everyone!
Or even worse - somewhere along the way you were taught that your niche is a 30-second elevator pitch or “I help…” statement.
But I’ve been around for a minute and here’s what I gotta say –
If you’re not attracting amazing dream clients and making money the way you’d like to be right now...
…Houston, we’ve got a niche problem.

You can keep spinning your wheels and telling yourself things like:
✘ No one can afford your services
✘ It’s the algorithm
✘ The economy is to blame
✘ You’re an introvert
✘ Mercury is in retrograde
― OR! ―
You can join me for a game-changing training to finally get clear on who you are, what you do, who you serve, and who wants to work with you so that you can finally master your message and create offers that sell!
You can start by grabbing your spot in KNOW YOUR NICHE now!
You’re putting yourself “out there”, trying to build on social media, offering free discovery calls and hearing CRICKETS.
You’re a multi-passionate individual who can teach or coach on many things and therefore don’t know how to find your niche.
When asked what you do you find yourself stumbling all over your words, saying too much and confusing even yourself.
You’re deathly afraid that if you narrow down your niche you’ll lose potential clients or alienate the bajillions of people in the world you can help.
You have no strategy for creating social media content, talks, workshops or programs that attract the right people.
I hear and see so many of you spinning your wheels (and frankly, wasting your time) working on a 2 sentence “I help” or “marketing statement” – thinking that’s your niche.
You’re trying to grow your business any which way you can - referrals, networking, social media, starting a FB group, doing talks - and nothing seems to be catching or taking off.
I know what it’s like to be on a passionate mission to help everyone in the world. And the truth is that there are so many people out there that would benefit from your help.
But, not everyone wants your services!
KNOW YOUR NICHE is about finding out who does want your help and then mastering your message and creating the content and offers that will draw them to you.
And! It’s about truly knowing who will be attracted to you specifically because of your unique passion, energy, experience and expertise that you bring to the work you do…
…because your awesomeness is part of your niche!
KNOW YOUR NICHE is one of my signature,
best-selling trainings that is guaranteed to bust through all of your niche struggles, fears and beliefs so that you can move forward and do what you are meant to be doing -
working with your dream clients, transforming lives and making money doing what you love!
Here’s how it’s going down!
Module 1 - Know Your Awesomeness
✓ Uncover what makes you uniquely awesome as a coach/expert
✓ Identify your superpowers - your innate gifts and talents
✓ Recognize the magic you bring to your work
Module 2 - Know Your Expertise
✓ Get clear on the specific problems you are an expert at solving
✓ Identify key topics and concepts you geek out over
✓ Articulate the tangible benefits of working with you
Module 3 - Know Who You Serve
✓ Discover who is attracted to your energy and approach
✓ Clarify the clients that light you up and whom you can best serve
✓ Go from a 1-dimensional avatar to understanding your clients as
3-dimensional human beings
Module 4 - Know The Transformation
✓ Map out your unique client journey
✓ Identify the step-by-step changes you facilitate
✓ Articulate your signature process in a compelling and relatable way
Module 5 - Know Your Message
✓ Learn techniques for confidently explaining what you do
✓ Get tools for turning your transformation process into offers
✓ Develop messaging that powerfully speaks to your niche
My approach to knowing your niche is unlike any other training out there because you are a very important part of the equation! We’re not spending this training designing an avatar - you’ll come away from this training with a level of confidence and feeling empowered about the work you do like you never have before.
So, are you ready to take your business to the next level?
Here's What Stacey’s Clients Are Saying
Stacey Brass-Russell is a Business and Life Transformation Coach. She helps coaches, transformation experts and creative entrepreneurs go from being best-kept secrets to confidently standing out by turning their awesomeness into offers that their dream clients will gladly pay for. Stacey’s career spans from Broadway actress to yoga studio owner, course creator to inspirational speaker and host of her popular podcast, PASSIONATE & PROSPEROUS. She has helped hundreds of people take huge leaps to follow their passions and create their most prosperous lives and businesses by using their gifts and skills to make money doing what they love.
Stacey was most recently named one of NYC’s Top 15 Coaches In 2024 by Influence Digest and has appeared in publications such as Marie Claire, Entrepreneur and Authority. She loves pizza, caviar, seeing shows, cosmic stuff and brain science. She resides in NYC with her husband and one-eyed cat Charmaine.
© 2024 Stacey Brass-Russell Coaching