The Exact 3 Step Strategy For Having POWERFUL DISCOVERY CALLS
For Coaches, Creatives & Service-Driven Entrepreneurs Who Are Tired of Hearing “NO” and Are Ready to Sign More Clients.
Tired of having discovery calls that end with “I can’t afford it” or “I have to think about it?”
Are you trying to create clients using someone else’s “done for you” script that promises you successful outcomes every time?
Do you dread getting to the part of the conversation where you discuss the investment and the “money talk”?
Does the fear of seeming “salesy” or “pushy” result in you getting off the phone at the first sign of an objection?
Do you find yourself questioning the value of your offer when you say it out loud?
I totally get it.
If you’re reading this you are most likely a HEART-CENTERED, SOULFUL coach or creative entrepreneur who wants nothing more than to just do the meaningful work that lights you up and that you know you are meant to be doing.
You wish you could just skip over the “getting clients” or “sales” part of your job and just have your ideal, soulmate clients delivered to your doorstep so that you can just BEGIN doing what you do best.
OR maybe you are hoping that someone will just find your website, see your prices and email you asking how they can pay you and start working together.
Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Unfortunately, this is REALITY and that’s NOT how things typically go.
What if I told you that there is a way for you to show up to your calls with PASSION and CONFIDENCE and have POWERFUL CONVERSATIONS that CONVERT to PAYING CLIENTS without using a script or seeming “salesy”?
Hi! My name is Stacey Brass-Russell and I am a Mindset and Business Strategy Coach for Coaches, Creatives and Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders. GETTING TO THE YES! Is my brand new 3 part masterclass where I’m going to go DEEP into teaching you the exact structure of discovery calls that will turn NO’s into YESSES. No more generic scripts, fear of being “salesy” or fumbling when it comes to making your offer.
Imagine feeling EXCITED to get on a call with a prospective client because you know that you are about to have a conversation that offers them tremendous value regardless of the outcome. And more importantly, you CAN’T WAIT to share with them how they can work with you because you KNOW that you if you didn’t, you would be doing them a disservice!
In this masterclass you will learn:
✓ The structural framework of a discovery call that converts
✓ What you need clarity on BEFORE coming to your calls
✓ How to ditch the script
✓ The most important elements to focus on during your calls
✓ How to gently guide your client and keep your calls on track
✓ The mindset and power of creating sales through service
✓ What a “passionate offer” is and how to make one
✓ How to get YESSES every step of the way right up until the very end
…And so much more!
What is it costing you every time you hear a “NO”?
Sure, NO might mean “not right now” but that doesn’t help your confidence, your bottom line, OR your future client at this moment!
Over the course of 3 classes, I’m breaking it all down so that you will know EXACTLY how I convert over 80% of my discovery calls.
- PART 1 -
- PART 2 -
- PART 3 –

I want nothing more than to help you succeed so that you can serve the clients that need you and use your gifts, and skills to create a PASSIONATE & PROSPEROUS life and business!