Episode #36 - Showing Up For Your Biz Like You’ve Got A Hot Date


A really FUN idea for an episode suddenly popped into Stacey’s head. On today’s show she brings us all the flirty enjoyment of WHY you should think about your business like . . . dating! At her recent LIVE events, Stacey noticed a certain heavy energy from her P&P community when the subject turned to putting yourself out there for your Biz. To turn that around for her peeps, a seemingly unlikely connection dawned on her. ALL the energy and behavior you need for your business is the SAME that you would use for dating. On today’s episode, Stacey is going to break it down and give us a brand-new perspective to help us feel more RELAXED in our relationships with our soul-aligned clients. Stacey gives us some concrete points to think about that she believes we are going to find really entertaining and that will SHIFT something for us IMMEDATELY (perhaps even during the show!) When you are out there looking for a partner in life, there is a certain energy you bring as well as particular things that you know and would expect. Tune in as Stacey tells us exactly how that aligns with showing up in all your frisky originality to your P&P business.

Stacey knows a LOT about stepping out. It’s what she earned as a single woman on the dating scene for many years in NYC and NOW she is going to apply it to help you with your business. When you think about who you are attracting in your meaningful work, it makes sense that if you showed up in your business the way you would show up for dating (even if you are married or coupled up) it would make your venture more FUN and FRUITFUL! It’s a mindset and an energy that you get to create so that you can get what you WANT in your Biz and have all the ENJOYABLE feelings while you are implementing it. Stacey is here today to give us the tools to nail the doing of it that will get us the RESULTS that we want (and allow us to have a good time in the process!)

In episode 36, Stacey sparks our memory of being single or dating (even if you are so comfortable in your partnership that you forgot about this.) She tells us how to reignite that MAGNETIC energy that you would show up with if you were trying to attract a soul mate (because that’s who your ideal clients are!) In the Stacey School of Strategy, you have to do it the same way that you did it then, however long ago. And you must do it NOW!

Stacey delivers some major AHA moments in your earbuds today. She wants YOU to have FUN (because she is!) with a new LIGHT and EASY method of thinking and seeing yourself and your business. Get ready to start “going steady” with your dream clients and see how JOYFUL loving what you do (and who you do it with) can be in your P&P Life and Biz!


In this Episode Stacey Covers:

  • Why even when we don’t give up in our business, we can have the give-up energy (and the effect that has on our purposeful work)

  • The factors that determine whether you are attractive (in the magnetic sense) to your audience and the people you are hoping WANT to work with you

  • What you NEED to think when you wake up every day If you want to feel like you are in a love affair with your clients

  • Why running your Biz on the love at first sight strategy isn’t a good business model

  • The WAY you need to be walking around planet earth looking for your soul mate clients in order to connect with them

  • Why you need to think that your business is FUN

  • How to feel really good about creating clients

  • What people MUST believe that ties everything together and makes them want to invest with YOU!


Stacey has so much love for everyone who listens to the podcast. If you want to reach out, please DO! Getting your emails and messages means so much to her. She loves knowing that you are not just learning but also enjoying what you hear on the show. Is there a topic that you would like to know more about? Go ahead and tell her. Stacey will do her best to create an episode for YOU.


Episode #37 - How To Decide What You Charge (And When To Give Yourself A Raise!)


Episode #33 - The Sneaky, Hidden Fears That Will Take You Down (If You Let Them)