Episode #27 -Being Different, Using Your Gifts & Making Money (with special guest Jessica Hans-Smolin)

In this episode, Stacey is so excited to bring you a special guest (and one of her favorite people in the world!) her friend and client. . . the magical, weird, wild, and wonderful Jessica Hans-Smolin. You are going to LOVE hearing the story of what Stacey and Jess created together and how they have built a coaching collaboration and partnership that has helped Jess build a wildly unique and vigorously robust Passionate & Prosperous Biz and Life.

Tune in because you are going to be hearing from the REAL DEAL. Jess takes us behind-the-scenes of what it is like to grow your calling when you have the unbelievable gift of having a business coach that also allows you to operate in your own model. Jess walks us down the pathway that she and Stacey carved out together. We get the skinny on how they created a plan for all “the stuff” they were going to do (social media, zoom workshops, promotions) as well as a communication style to explain what Jess offers and how she works with her clients. The end result was a grounded, simple and clear strategy that Jess describes as nothing less than MAGIC.

 Find out in Episode 27 what can happen when you bring your authentic YOU to your Biz. Stacey shows us what her whole thing is all about (and delivers the message she wants us all to hear):  that we ALL have the possibility of making money doing what we love. Stacey believes in POSSIBLE. Sometimes we just need a little help, a little structure, and a little strategy. 

Get ready for a whole lotta YAY as we get to experience the amazingness that is Jess and her journey of embracing her weird and wild woman (and making a living doing it!) 

What Stacey & Jess cover in this episode:

  • How to make money in your P&P business even if you have an atypical brain.

  • How one of the most important parts of being a coach is being able to articulate what the physical, tangible and real (PTR) outcomes are going to be for your client.

  • How we get blocked in moving forward in our business by the idea that we are supposed to be able to do it on our own. 

  • How in the creation of a group program we can support and lift each other up when the right chemistry of people come together and see each other’s vision.

  • How we have to be willing to increase our investments and our offerings otherwise we can’t grow a business.

  • How to stay in your transformational zone while someone (your future client) goes into their human experience.

  • How to find the rhythm of your business so you can understand when you bring in more money and when you are a little quieter.

  • How to access the support you need to be the true YOU and make a living doing it!

About Jess:

Jessica Hans-Smolin is the founder of Free Your Essence Coaching where she works with those who identify as weird and wild women in a joyful, loving, sacred space where weird and wild magic is remembered and co-created every day. She helps her clients access their relationship to their unique gifts so they can skillfully embody their weird and wild in the world every day which she believes makes this world so much more vibrant and exciting to be a part of. Jess believes that it is everyone’s birthright to live their version of a free, fully expressed life. She is a Master Level Certified Health and Life Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher, Nature Worshiper, Moon Dancer, Mother, WILD WOMAN, Ritual Lover, Sacred Rebel and carries her Licensed Masters Degree in Social Work. She lives in Nyack, NY with her partner Pete and son, Llewyn and two crazy cats. She loves hiking, dancing barefoot in the moonlight, ritual-multi-dimensional portal jumping, live music medicine and circling up around the fire with her sacred sisters. To find out more about Jessica’s offerings and the Weird and Wild Woman Community, you can follow Jessica on Instagram @FreeYourEssenceJess or email her at jess@freeyouressencecoaching.com, to get on the list and receive Weird and Wild meditations, activations, sacred practices, offers and inspiration.


PROSPER is coming in June! Stacey has listened to what you have shared with her, and she is so excited to offer and teach her brand-new advanced mindset and coaching training to you! Get on the waitlist today to be the first to receive information and exciting special bonuses!


Episode #33 - The Sneaky, Hidden Fears That Will Take You Down (If You Let Them)


Episode #21 - Creating Your Reality One Word At A Time