Episode #35 - Why You Always Need A Life & Biz Strategy (And How To Create Yours Now)
Stacey just sat down with pen and paper to do something she does on the regular, Roadmapping for her life and business. She got inspired to bring this VERY important practice to the Passionate & Prosperous community because Stacey wants to share ALL the things that she believes make her successful so that she can help YOU create the outcomes you want! In this episode, Stacey is going to tell us exactly what Roadmapping is and how she does it. If you are listening in real time, it is June and Stacey is planning for events all the way through January! While her Roadmap is different from yours, Stacey fervently feels that you need to be doing this too. Tune in and find out WHY you should join Stacey in the exercise of mapping out how you are going to get to your desired destinations to have the P&P Life and Biz you want for yourself (and your loved ones!).
Stacey lets us know the rules of the road. Whenever you have a desire to create what’s next (or more!) in your business, you create a map, so you have a strategy of how you are going to get there. You need to look at your calendar and think, if you want to be making a certain amount of money and have a specific number of clients by the end of this year, how are you going to do it? Getting clear on what you want to do (even if it’s scary!) is your ticket to ride.
Stacey tells us we MUST develop the ability to plan ahead (and do whatever mindset work we need to quash any idea that we can’t). If you are thinking you need some support, that’s what Stacey’s here to help us with. She is a reverse engineering specialist and a business strategy expert. That’s what she does!
In episode 35, Stacey lays out her personal formula for Roadmapping. She talks us through how those plans change in the 4 phases of business (see Episode 20 It’s Just a Phase!) by using her own P&P Biz as an example. Stacey is planning! The landmarks on her map are MAJOR and YES, they feel scary. She shares it ALL with us because any work that Stacey tells you to do, she does herself. Listen in to the BIG REVEAL of events that Stacey just put on her Roadmap and wants her P&P people to be the first to know about (Hint: It’s going to be like taking the podcast and putting it on steroids!)
Stacey is in your headphones today with her itinerary to arrive at her next destination. If you want to reach yours, you MUST be willing to map it out as well. Follow Stacey’s lead and start creating your travel plan TODAY. Then you will know that this fall you too will be READY to hit the road with a robust map of things (including Stacey’s turbo charged events) to help YOU with your P&P life and business!
Stacey loves hearing from you. Reach out to her and let her know what’s resonating. What would you like an episode about? Go ahead and tell her. She will listen and do her best to create an episode for YOU.
In this Episode Stacey Covers:
Why the “I don’t know how” part of our default brain can keep us from creating a plan for our business
The importance of looking at life and business simultaneously while mapping out your calendar or risk getting really burnt out, stressed, overwhelmed, and resentful
The reason why everything in your business (including using someone else’s strategic framework) must relate uniquely to you (and why that’s a good thing!)
Why a 5-year plan can feel overwhelming and difficult to map out (and what we should do instead)
The 3 key ingredients that make up the process of Roadmapping
Why Stacey loves focusing on the universe and how She (the universe that is!) can help you bring the choices you make to fruition
The importance of alignment in Roadmapping (and Yoga!)
Why coaches who promote being in flow and having ease in your business can be confusing and we can mistake it for not having a plan
One of Stacey’s favorite phrases when creating affirmations
Why writing things down (pen to paper) is the best ways to Roadmap and 10xs your chances of getting the outcomes
Stacey’s really strong values and how they affect the kind of service she herself invests in as well as the kind of service she provides
Why you might not be feeling good or liking your business (and what you can do TODAY to change that!)